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既然如此,那些富含抗氧化物的蔬菜水果,还能吃吗? 当然可以啦!毕竟,蔬菜水果里除了抗氧化物,还含有丰富的其它营养元素。和抗氧化物不同,增加蔬菜水果的摄入,经相关研究证实,确实是和多种疾病的风险下降有关的。 所以,要想养生而不“养癌”,可能还是要—— 好好吃菜! 参考资料: 1. packer,l., colman, c. 1999. the antioxidant miracle: put lipoic acid, pycnogenol, andvitamins e and c to work for you.john wiley and sons, inc, new york. isbn:19 2. 3. https://nccih.nih.gov/health/antioxidants/introduction#about 4. the alpha-tocopherol beta carotene cancer prevention studygroup. 1994. the effect of vitamin e and beta carotene on the incidence of lungcancer and other cancers in male smokers. new england journal of medicine.330(15): 1029-1035. 5. omenn, g. s., et al. 1996. effects of a combination ofbeta carotene and vitamin a on lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. newengland journal of medicine. 334(18): 1150-1155. 6. lee im, cook nr, manson je. 1999. beta-carotenesupplementation and incidence of cancer and cardiovascular disease: women’shealth study. journal of the national cancer institute. 91:2102–6. 7. goodman ge, thornquist md, balmes j, et al. 2004. thebeta-carotene and retinol efficacy trial: incidence of lung cancer andcardiovascular disease mortality during 6-year follow-up after stoppingbeta-carotene and retinol supplements. journal of the national cancerinstitute. 96(23):1743-1750. 8. bjelakovic g, nikolova d, gluud ll, simonetti rg, gluud c.2012. antioxidant supplements for prevention of mortality in healthyparticipants and patients with various diseases. cochrane database systematicreview. 14;(3):cd007176. doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd007176.pub2 9. albanes d, heinonen op, taylor pr, et al. alpha-tocopheroland beta-carotene supplements and lung cancer incidence in thealpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene cancer prevention study: effects of base-linecharacteristics and study compliance. j natl cancer inst. 1996; 88:1560-70. 10. touvier, m., et al. 2005. dual association ofbeta-carotene with risk of tobacco-related cancers in a cohort of french women.j natl cancer inst 97(18): 1338-1344. 11. wiel, c., le gral, k., ibrahim, m.x., jahangir, c.a.,kashif, m., ziegler, d.v., xu, x., ghosh, t., mondal, t., kanduri, c., et al.(2019). bach1 stabilization by antioxidants stimulates lung cancer metastasis.cell 178, 330–345. _________ 上期文章 肥胖增加10多种风险!到底为什么?146876200